Another proposal for the redevelopment of the old Movieland Wax Museum site is in the works. Instead of a Best buy store, a new entertainment, retail, and television studio complex is being considered. This would be a great boost to area, which badly needs something to replace the museum. The only problem I see is that the site seems too small for what is being proposed. A television studio must take up a lot of space, and restaurants and retail shops do as well. Where are the patrons going to park? The lot had plenty of space for the wax museum and Starbucks, but the Po Folks Restaurant side of the property was always pretty crowded. Unless they add parking underground, I don't see how this could happen. Similar places, like Citywalk, have far more room to work with. But the idea of a Television studio on the location where a "shrine to the stars" used to be is exciting, even if the other offerings are far from imaginative and unique.
A plan view shows the limited space for such a big idea. This is still preliminary, and if having too many people come to your business is your biggest problem, then you're in good shape. I'm sure they'll figure it out.