Tinkerbell was not the only pint sized addition to hit madame Tussaud's this past week. Alvin and the Chipmunks also received wax figures at the Las Vegas museum. Although the singing rodents are covered in fur, the museum decided that they deserved the wax treatment. They stand 18 inches tall, and are in a dancing pose. Not many non human and/or fictitious characters get made into wax figures at Madame Tussaud's. And in Las Vegas, the Chipmunks Join Master Chief from Halo, Spiderman, and Siegfried and Roy's Tiger in that category.

Alvin! Where's his Hula Hoop?

Simon with his Harold Lloyd glasses.

And Theodore.
Visit the Madame Tussaud's website here.Tags: Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum Wax Figure Wax Chipmunks all Photos property of Madame Tussaud's
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