I hope the guard house is where guards go to sleep at Fort Langhorn, and not where they're supposed to keep watch. Anyway, this shot shows the man sleeping in his bed at the fort on Tom Sawyer Island at Walt Disney World. In order to keep him asleep, I think I will turn off the lights. . .

This is more like it. Now this poor mountain man can get some peace and quiet, and all of the tourists can explore the fort and island.

Another view of this figure shows how stiff and rigid it is. I can't imagine how he could ever get the sleep he needs. I guess the frontier didn't have the amenities were are all accustom to.

A close up of the figure's face. The character really seems to appreciate his sleep. An average figure, but since Tom Sawyer Island experiences more of the elements (including guests), they need to be more durable.

The exterior of the guard house. As the worn wood and bars show, he gets a lot of visitors.
Visit the Walt Disney World website here.Tags: Disney World Fort Langhorn Guard House Asleep